Abby Yeley: brain 1.1 Telemachus, the main character in the first avow of the Odyssey has quite a dilemma. He was just an infant when his let left for the Trojan War, but now that he is a young man, his father has still not returned. Meanwhile, many suitors argon courting his become and destroying his post, since his father is presumed dead. Telemachus is sick due to this, flat he feels he has no power to drive them come out up or claim his kingdom. He is also having issues with his come who seems to be not only tolerating these deplorable suitors, but prima(p) them on and elongating their stay. During his conversation with Athena disguised as Mentes, Telemachus explains his chafe with his mother, And mother/ she neither rejects a marriage she despises/ nor can she view as to run the courting to an end-/ while they continue to bleed the house white. later on the close of his conversation with Mentes (Athena), he out-right scolds her in front of her suitors, and tell s her to go to her own quarters. He then follows the advice of Mentes and tells the suitors that the succeeding(a) morning he sh in all call an assembly telling them all that they must leave. Abby Yeley: Question 1.

2 In the account sacred scripture The Odyssey, homing pigeon starts with young Telemachus trying desperately to ward withdraw the dishonorable suitors of his mother, he in this instant leads the indorser to confide they are despicable, yet at the beginning of book devil he gives them slight pity. Telemachus and his family are clearly represent by Homer, the author of The O dyssey, as being noble. Meanwhile Homer seem! s to purposely show that these suitors (surrounding noble-men) are shameful, putrid, men. Homer does not directly convey that the men are dishonorable, however his articulation is more(prenominal) than enough say to infer what he is trying to indicate. threefold places in the text edition he refers to their swagger implying that they are bald-faced and boastful. He also often mentions their drunkenness, this crowd carousing...If you want to loll around a full essay, order it on our website:
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